Tuesday, September 2, 2014

One Year of Changes and the Convictions That Led To Them

Our family moved to Arizona and began working with the church here one year ago. It has been a very busy, very blessed time. The congregation has seen a lot of changes. Worship on Sundays has changed. Sunday School and children’s education have changed. The preaching and teaching ministry has changed. The composition of the church has also changed. These changes have seemed overwhelming to some, especially our older members. But there is a rationale behind it all, a reason for everything we have done and continue to do. We have diligently tried to explain those reasons, but I believe the one year anniversary is a good time to review.

First, we believe the gospel is primary, that everything we are and everything we do as the people of God must flow from and always connect back to the gospel of God’s grace (1Cor. 15:1-11). It is my personal conviction most churches today lack a clear, biblical presentation of the gospel. We are committed to affirming the gospel clearly and consistently.

Second, we believe that God’s glory is both the reason and goal of our existence (Isa. 43:7). This conviction governs our approach to worship, the hymns we select, the elements we choose to include (and exclude), and the overall theme and emphasis given to it.

Third, we believe the church is a family of regenerate (born again) people following Jesus under the authority of scripture and the leadership of elders (Acts 20:28). This is not a social club, and though our closest friends are believers, what binds us together is our fellowship in Christ and mutual commitment to His mission.

Fourth, we believe the word of God contained in the Bible is the necessary, sufficient, and final authority for the church and that the systematic and faithful exposition of it is God’s plan for the edification of the saints (2Tim. 3:14-4:5). It is not up to me to decide what people want to hear. We are bound to preach God’s word. May God give us ears to hear it! -JME