Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Stewarding Bread and Circuses

Someone wrote and asked for counsel regarding the upcoming socialist bribe “stimulus check” from our benevolent overlords. The question was insightful. Should we look at the stimulus as a kind of curse, rather than as a blessing? The answer involves consideration of much larger issues, but I intend to keep this response concise and practical. The broader theological, philosophical, political, and economic issues can be gradually developed in future installments and conversations.

Some basic points ought to be clear and beyond debate. Sadly, these are the very points that have become murky, muddled, and rarely even questioned. This ought not to be surprising since many believers have been educated in government schools, and even those that were not or had an above average experience of the same have done their post-graduate learning via the major news media and social media platforms. In other words, they have been indoctrinated by those with a vested interest in promoting a larger, authoritarian nanny state. Consequently we see widespread ignorance and confusion about basic biblical, social, and economic issues. We cannot think Christianly about the stimulus money because we have not been taught to think Christianly about anything, unless it is, perhaps, the ordo salutis or the elements of worship on Sunday.

But I digress. The points that ought to be clear can be summarized under four propositions: (1) It is neither biblical nor constitutional for the government to give “free money” to its citizens in order to stimulate the economy; (2) Government handouts do not stimulate the economy; they disrupt it and destabilize the currency; (3) The government is morally obligated to compensate for harm done to its citizens, so some type of reparation to businesses and workers who lost income due to (also unbiblical and unconstitutional) government-mandated lockdowns are appropriate; and (4) No government has ever given free money to its citizens; there are always strings attached to the check. Some or all of these points might be debated, even by conservative, Bible-believing Christians. But for the sake of this article, I will assume they are sufficiently clear and agreed upon.

The legislation that provides the latest round of socialist bribes stimulus checks is only the latest in a long history of bills that have nothing to do with either the Constitution or God’s rule for civil government. The $1.9 trillion dollars required for the American Rescue Plan might as well be paid with Monopoly money. But since our betters assure us that math is racist and a tool of white supremacy, perhaps it is only my unrecognized bigotry that objects to the government printing money to advance progressive priorities while bankrupting our grandkids and ensuring that China will not have to fire a shot to take over our nation someday; they will only have to call the loan.

What is a Christian to do? I suppose you could try to send the check back. It might be satisfying symbolism, but it will not do anything to slow the runaway train. Besides there are better ways to leverage the magistrate’s foolishness for greater good. Let me make four suggestions. I am not standing in the pulpit telling you what you ought to do. I am simply offering advice based on the limited wisdom God has given me. Your wisdom may be greater and commend a better option. Let each be convinced in his own mind.

First, whatever you do with your handout, be doggedly, uncompromisingly, and cheerfully independent. Stimulus checks are bread and circuses, opium for the masses, tools to keep slaves from discovering who they are. If you think you can stuff yourself with bread at their festivals without being mastered by them, you are a fool. The State knows what you take, how you spend it, and how dependent you have become. Christians need to work diligently to build independent institutions--colleges and universities, seminaries and primary schools, medical clinics and repair services, congregations and households--organizations that do not depend on (or accept) the government’s dime. If you take their money, you will eventually be forced to follow their rules. The federal loan program was a terrific idea, and the women’s soccer program is sure to win more games next season with that bearded gentleman wearing a jersey who is about to shower in the locker room with your daughter. You may receive a check; you may even cash it. But do not kid yourself about the real game being played on us all.

Second, if you are a business owner who lost money due to the government’s heavy handed health regulations, re-invest the money in your business. Build a stronger company, one that will be able to survive and still make money when the money being spent is not worth the paper it is printed on. Your stimulus check belonged to you anyway. It never was the government’s. There is no shame in taking back what is yours. You don’t have to say thank you if the thief decides to hand back your wallet, but you certainly can and should thank God.

Third, if you are in debt, use the money to get out of debt. Do not treat this as free money to finally take that vacation or get the toy you wanted. Be defiant. Play economic judo. Use their foolishness to your advantage. As the government spends and borrows its way into oblivion, use their self-destructive strategy to get your family better prepared for the coming collapse. Get the credit cards, credit union, and mortgage company out of your life. You will be more at ease and better able to maneuver and respond to economic crises if you attain a measure of financial independence.

Fourth, if you are out of debt, give the money away. Give it to your church. Send it to a missionary. Anonymously buy Wal-Mart or Visa gift cards and send them to those you know could use a little help. You do not need the money, and you do not want the chain that comes with it. So re-purpose it. Use it for the good the magistrate was not wise enough to do. Give it away to the glory of God, and be sure the God who gives you life and breath and all things can take care of you without it.

See you in the bread lines!