Tuesday, November 18, 2014

A.C.T.S. - A Simple Pattern for Prayer

I have written before about the acronym A.C.T.S. and its use in the discipline of prayer. A.C.T.S. stands for Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication. Many of us struggle to keep our prayers God-focused rather than me-focused. The tendency is for personal needs, concerns, and desires to dominate prayer times. A.C.T.S. is a helpful device for giving structure to our prayers which can help them be more balanced and biblical.

Adoration means to praise and speak well of God. This portion of our prayer time should be focused solely on the Lord, how great and good and holy and perfect He is in every way. This is not the time for talking about how God has blessed you. It is time to solely focus on saying good things about Him. Confession is admitting our sins, faults, and continuing need for God’s grace. We are to confess our sins, not just that we have sinned (1Jn. 1:9). Be specific with God, express your grief for your wrongs, and ask the Lord to be merciful to you. Thanksgiving is expressing gratitude for God’s blessings. This where we pray about what God has done for us, the many ways in which we benefit from His providence and grace. Count your blessings, name them one by one, and tell God how grateful you are for each of them. Supplication is asking the Lord for the help and blessings we need. This includes spiritual and physical requests both for yourself and others. Jesus taught us to pray for our daily bread, and Paul’s letters provide helpful insights in praying for our spiritual growth as well.

Some people struggle to spend extended time in focused prayer. Here again A.C.T.S. can be very helpful. Discipline yourself to spend 2 minutes praising God’s greatness, then 2 minutes confessing your faults, then 4 minutes thanking God for your blessings, and finally 2 minutes asking God to work in your life. Repeat those 10 minutes of prayer 3 times a day, morning, noon, and night, and you will spend half an hour in prayer every day, which is considerably more than you may have been doing before. A.C.T.S. is a simple way to organize and balance your prayer time, and I pray it will be a blessing to you. -JME