Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Rejoicing in the Lord Always

All of us are tempted at times to be discouraged and distressed by the circumstances of our lives. Twenty-four hour news and the ability to witness tragedy, violence, and loss around the world can quickly rob us of our peace and a feeling of security. The day to day struggle to pay bills, finish tasks, maintain relationships, and satisfy commitments can also frustrate and even depress our emotions.
In the midst of earthly and inner turmoil, the apostle Paul commands, “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice!” (Php. 4:4) But how can we rejoice when so many things are bad? How can we celebrate when the circumstances of our life are not good? If we are to take this passage seriously and honor what it says, we need to bear in mind three things.
First, the instruction is a command, not a suggestion. God’s people are to be governed, not by how they feel, but by what the Lord has said. We cannot excuse our failure to rejoice in the Lord by saying we do not feel like doing so. There are no degrees of compliance with this passage. We either obey what it says or we do not.
Second, rejoice is a verb of action, not feeling. Paul does not say feel happy; he says rejoice. I can celebrate the great truths that lie behind his instruction regardless of how I feel. Even when I am sad, distressed, or suffering in great pain, I can choose to rejoice.
Third, the command is to rejoice in the Lord, not in the temporal circumstances of our lives. Most often we rejoice in all the wrong things: our health, our happiness, our family, our success, our pleasures. But if these are the reason for our rejoicing, joy will frequently elude us. We will not always be healthy or happy, but who God is, what Christ has done, and what He has promised is unchanging. The Lord’s work and worth will never fail. It does not depend on what is happening in my life. I am instructed to find my joy in eternal truths, not earthly circumstances.
“Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice!” Remind yourself of the gospel every day. Never forget who is in control and what He has done to save you. Celebrate that truth forever. -JME