Monday, May 3, 2021

A Fitting Candidate

There has been a growing movement to oust Chairman Newsom from the Governor’s mansion in the People’s Republic of California, and Republicans now have a candidate that may be able to replace him. Caitlyn Jenner ne (or should it be nee?) Bruce has thrown a hat--it may have been a bonnet--into the ring. For a Republican to win the governor’s seat in California at this stage of the game would be akin to winning the Olympic Decathlon. Fortunately, Caitlyn has eaten his Wheaties.

California has many conservatives in it, but liberal progressives have a political stranglehold on the major population centers. It is hard to imagine a true conservative winning the governorship there. It’s even harder to figure out what true conservative means anymore.

Conservative ought to describe a political philosophy, and for better or worse, it is a political philosophy much of the Republican party left behind long ago. In the last twenty years the Republican party has adopted the big government, free-spending model that was once a hallmark of the Democrats. A handful of Republicans continue to argue for reducing the size of government and balancing the budget, but they are a minority within their own party. Now that the Republican Party has been convinced and converted, the Democrats are free to openly advocate for socialism. Republicans think the government should provide a safety net, five-point harness, belaying system, inflatable airbag, parachute, and a suspension bridge with handrails rather than that treacherous tightrope. Democrats don’t think you should have to walk across the chasm at all. Republicans would make the government like a mother; Democrats think it should be a bit more like Big Brother.

Now comes Caitlyn onto the stage, ready to bring California Republicans back into power. Jenner has impressive credentials. An extraordinary athlete, former world record holder, and Olympic gold medalist, Caitlyn Marie was both the 1976 Associated Press Male Athlete of the Year and one of Glamour Magazine’s 2015 Women of the Year. Who else could pull off that last combination? Jenner is a proven winner.

Already Republican influencers are showing sympathy and support for Candidate Caitlyn. Nikki Haley has expressed her appreciation for Jenner’s “conservative views.” Sean Hannity will provide the first national interview for the candidate this week. Whether Jenner’s campaign will be more widely embraced by the GOP or California voters remains to be seen. At the very least, it is a remarkable indication of how far transgenderism has been normalized, even within Republican, not to say conservative, circles.

We look forward to winsome and nuanced explanations from winsome and nuanced evangelical leaders on how Christians can, in winsome and nuanced ways, of course, support LGBTQ+ leaders like Caitlyn Jenner while privately disagreeing with their particular views on transgenderism. This is an opportunity to demonstrate that all the hateful things our critics say about us is untrue. We are not bigots. We do not hate transgender people. We are not living in the Dark Ages. We are enlightened, intelligent, and winsome… very, very winsome. The time has come for the Republican party and conservative Christians. If Caitlyn Jenner becomes the governor of California, all of the progressives will finally love and accept us. All of them will accept our newly enlightened and revised Christianity. There will finally be peace. The world will be one. A mentally ill, surgically mutilated man seeks to become governor of the great state of California. “Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of the party.” --JME