Friday, May 13, 2016

Bathrooms, Blame, and Bad Theology

The Federal Government acting under the direction of the President through the Department of Justice has taken legal action against the State of North Carolina, charging the state’s recent law defining access to gender-specific bathrooms on the basis of biological sex is a violation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. And if that was not sufficiently troubling and egregious, the President issued a letter through the Department of Education instructing all public schools to provide equal access to transgendered students to the bathrooms, locker rooms, and showers of their choice regardless of biological sex or parental objections. Such actions by the federal government would have been unthinkable less than a decade ago. We now live in a nation that regards abortion and same sex marriage as constitutional rights and that regards transgenderism as a protected class with civil rights.

No doubt some Christians think this has happened due to the indifference, lack of involvement, and political timidity of religious conservatives. But this is a misdiagnosis. There are no political solutions to spiritual problems, and while a reformation-minded leader like Hezekiah or Josiah can encourage national repentance and forestall moral deterioration, these are but minor and meager victories in the context of the larger culture war. “The whole world lies in the power of the evil one” (1Jn. 5:19), and no political policy will make it otherwise. We are seeing Romans 1:18-32 played out in the halls of our government and universities and on our city streets. Progressive politicians have only hastened the inevitable, and were they replaced with consistent conservatives (if such politicians even exist), they would be powerless to deal with the root issue: the problem of the human heart.

If you think America’s problems are primarily political in nature or can be resolved by political means, you are part of the problem. Sincere but profoundly misguided Christians have sought political remedies for decades even as the visible church has been gradually destroyed by theological liberalism, grace-less legalism, morally corrupt cheap grace, and mega-ministry models that prioritize numerical success over spiritual faithfulness and focus on programs built around felt-needs rather than preaching that proclaims Christ as the only solution to man’s true need. America must repent, but the Church needs to do so first. –JME