Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Living as Exiles in a Corrupt Country

If the events of the last two months have done nothing else for American Christians, we can hope they have finally and forever disabused us of thinking of the USA as a “Christian nation.” We’re not, never have been, and never will be. Contrary to the extravagant claims of some dispensational speculatists (and Mormon pundits like Glenn Beck), America is not a covenant nation, we are not God’s chosen people, and the survival of this world does not depend on our existence. Stop it already. We are a nation founded, thank God, on principles of religious freedom. Some, by no means all, of our founders were Christians or, at least, Christian-ish. Our founding documents identify God as Creator and source of personal liberty. All of that is great, but let’s put it in modern perspective.

Since 1973 America has destroyed and dismembered between 53-57 million unborn infants with the government’s blessing and support, then we sell their organs. We make the Third Reich look like a kindergarten schoolyard bully. We license the marriage of same sex couples. We pay people who won’t work (not just those who can’t) and give them more money if they are sexually irresponsible as well as lazy. Does this sound like a godly nation?

What can we do about it? What we really need is a God-fearing, conservative President. Nope, we tried that. It didn’t change much. But if a moral majority controlled the Congress… no, we tried that too. It didn’t help much either. Maybe if the judiciary or the media or…. Friends, at what point will we recognize there are no political solutions to moral and spiritual problems? I believe in being politically and socially active. If you are connected to me on social media, you know how much energy I have devoted to Planned Parenthood in recent days. But the earliest Christians did not expect or even attempt to turn Rome into Israel. They knew they were “sojourners and exiles” living in a hostile land (1Pet. 2:11-12). Jesus calls us to live out the ethics of the kingdom of heaven among those who do not recognize its claims (Matt. 5:13-16). This is not to suggest we be morally, socially, or politically passive. The OT prophets provide extensive precedents for engaging corrupt cultures from a spiritual and prophetic paradigm. However, they also show us how believers in the one true God are to live among pagans (Jer. 29:1-23; e.g. Dan. 1; 3; 6).

While we hope and pray and plead (and vote) for national repentance, we should have realistic and biblical expectations. We hope for a return to basic morality. We desire leaders to once again acknowledge and fear God. But this nation will not be spared the wrath of God by political transformation. Jesus has always been and still is our only hope of salvation. “This world is not my home; I’m just a passing through” (Php. 3:20-21). –JME